Monday, March 31, 2008

Caiman, day two

Today didn't go as well as yesterday. Poor Caiman spent the day at the vet's, and by the time I picked him up we were both tired.

Taken in the van on the trip home. And no, we weren't moving. Exposed for his head which left the windows completely whited out. This would be a better shot if I had cleared the clutter off the seat behind him.

These next two are the same shot but one was taken with the flash and one with the available light. The colours are better with the flash. I tend to avoid it though, as I'm often close enough to the object that the flash overexposes it.

Next we have a prop. The kong changes size relative to him, depending on how I positioned myself. In the first photo the emphasis is on the dog, in the second it is on the toy.

Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.


Robin Sallie said...

Poor puppy!

I like the use of the kong. The last image is very very well done.

Tracy said...

Thank you, Robin. I am really enjoying this.

Holly said...

that kong "made" those last to photos.