Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Steve White HITT seminar

Spent the long weekend at a training seminar with Steve and Jen White learning about scent work and tracking. It was fascinating, if so much information that I'm surprised my brain didn't explode.

This little video of Rivet was taken near the end of the weekend. It kind of looks like she's just going along eating off the ground because at this stage that is more or less what is happening. If you look closely though you'll see her behaviour change when she's over the yellow grid. She's using her eyes to help find the treats here and she can't see them on the yellow paint.

See how the rate of her footsteps changes as she speeds ahead to the next place she thinks there is food? There were more treats on the yellow than there were on the plain squares in the grid but she misses many of them.

And yes, that is snow you see blowing around in the air.

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